Friday, May 11, 2012

Actor's Portfolio: Christian Bale

List 10 will be an overview of films starring Christian Bale.

Mike and Kate picked Mr. Bale because (1) he has starred in a truly eclectic group of films, including Disney's Pocahontas--no, sorry, it didn't make it on the list; (2) this will deposit us directly on the release date of Dark Knight Rises. After all, we had so much fun reviewing Avenger's "live," why not do another superhero's movie (though of a very different type)!?

Here's the list:

10. Empire of the Sun
9. Henry V
8. Treasure Island
7. Newsies
6. Little Women
5. Equilibrium
4. Howl's Moving Castle
3. The Prestige
2. Dark Knight (Mike and Kate reviewed Batman Begins for List 9)
1. Dark Knight Rises, July 20, 2012

The reviews will start next weekend, May 18th-19th.

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