Wednesday, March 14, 2012

List 9: Countdown to The Avengers!

Over the last few years, two great events have been brewing. Both have been hinted at in other works, referenced, and built towards. Both are highly anticipated (by Kate and me, at least), and at least one of them is going to be epic. What are these mysterious events, you ask? Well, the first would be THIS.

That's right, The Avengers, directed by Mike's hero, Joss Whedon (and sometime personal deity, depending on the day) is being released just a few long, agonizing "oh please oh please hurry up and be May!" weeks from now.

In order to celebrate this event, we are having our own highly anticipated and long hinted-at event (hinted at in our e-mails to each other at least).

It's finally here: the SUPERHEROES LIST, culminating in The Mike-Kate Video Club's first theater review. That's right kids, we're seeing Avengers on the big screen!

To prepare, we have planned two videos a week, not just the usual one.

8. Superman (Christopher Reeves) compared to Superman Returns

7. The Phantom (Billy Zane) and The Rocketeer

6. Batman (Michael Keaton) compared to Batman Begins (Christian Bale)

5. Unbreakable and Hancock

4. The Incredibles and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (TMNT, 2007)

3. Iron Man and The Incredible Hulk

2. Captain America and Thor

1. Avengers (with popcorn!) MAY 4, 2012

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